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These 55 + year old instructions were scanned from Deanie's  scrapbook. All pilots better have committed these to memory--    
it was pretty tough to read through them once you took off!


Before the beginning of flight each nite there will be a meeting held for all instructors) students, radio operators and dispatchers to explain the following:

A.  On the ramp before btaxing out

    l. Make routine visual inspection of aircraft
    2. Check Form I, check gasoline supply
    3. Make bcockpit check, testing lights
    4. Contact btower giving pilot's name(if dual give student and instructor's name) ship number and zone number
    5. Turn wing lights, tail lights, passing lights 'and  fluorescent lights on
    6. bAltimeter set at 24000 (sic) foot on Avenger Field
    7. Gyros uncased and instruments checked

B.  bTaxiing

    l. Make liberal S-turns so that the area ahead may be cleared
    2. Use landing lights alternately and sparingly
    3. Do not blind incoming aircraft with landing lights
    4. Keep all cockpit lights turned low
    5. Never pull out on the runway without permission from the tower
    6. The engine run up and magneto check will be done clear of he runway.

C.    Take 0ff

l. Be sure runway is clear before taking off, and take off only after cleared by the tower
2. While solo do not look back at the runway before first  turn is made

D.    Traffic Pattern

    1. Traffic pattern 1000 foot above the ground (3400' indicated
    2. First turn after takoff 2800 feet indicated
    3. Pattern altitude should be reached soon after second turn and on down wind leg
    4. Call tower on bbase leg "Wheels down and locked
    5. Recheck horn again for gear down before entering last turn to land
    6. Keep Base leg within reasonable distance of field
    7. Watch your spacing
    8. Do not switch gas tanks below 2000 feet above the ground

E. Landing

1. Do not make a low approach at night
2. Beware of under shooting tendencies
3. Never look close and to one side while landing
4. Turn landing lights on within reasonable distance of  field boundary
5. Beware of leveling off too high (Depth perception is more difficult at night)
6. Concentrate on directional control on landing roll.

F. Zones

  1. Explanations and diagrams of zones and methods to get to each zone at different Tee settings

  2. . After take off each ship will go to its zone unless  permission has been granted by the tower to sty in the  pattern. The zone ship in the pattern will still be recognized by Zone number

  3. Circle in each zone in the same directions as the first turn after take off. Break traffic after first turn to stay outside of pattern. Keep at pattern altitude and proceed to assigned zone. Get in the proper zone then  climb to assigned altitude. Retain altitude and direction of circling until permission has been granted by tower to do otherwise.
  4. Keep radio tuned to tower at all times
  5. When given permission to enter traffic and land 'Clean up  the Cockpit'-bG U M P, should be used and call tower to acknowledge "wheels down and locked".
  6. Assume traffic altitude in assigned zone and enter traffic on bdown wind leg. Check again on base log  with tower "wheels down and locked".

G. Cross Country

        1. Preparation in advance is essential for night cross country

        2. It is important to get on the correct heading you have planned as quickly as possible, rather than to start cross country without a  definite knowledge of exactly where your course is.

        3. Pick check points that are obvious and cannot be missed such as rivers, towns, and marker beacons.

        4. Know in advance airway marker beacons, beacons at designated landing fields and radio range frequencies.

        5. Continuously check instruments. After looking at a map you may look up and cannot recognize any check points, go on instruments immediately try get your course straighten out.

6. Use radio range and keep tuned to the nearest range at all times

7. Beware of fog forming beneath you. Always keep a close check on thc weather, more especially at night. Know the trend of the weather

8. If possible keep a minimum altitude of 2000 feet

H. Emergency Procedures

        1. If radio is inoperative a series of blinks with the landing  lights will notify the tower and you will be directed by the  bbiscuit gun

        2. If a complete electrical failure, fly over the tower below  pattern altitude and out of traffic with the prop pitch  forward. Over the tower advance and retard the throttle              several times to attract attention of the tower.  You will be given right of way and guided by the biscuit gun.

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