My father, James Theodore, recently discovered your site and made contact with a few of his former students. It brought him so much joy to become reacquainted with them. I don’t have the names or addresses of any of the ladies he was corresponding with, but I was hoping perhaps if this was posted on your site, they might see it and remember him fondly.

James Theodore passed away June 23, 2003 at his home surrounded by family. His first love was always flying – his whole family enjoyed hearing the many wonderful memories he had as a test pilot and flight instructor during WWII. What a legacy!

He is survived by his wife, Betty; his sister, Helen; four children, five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. I am his youngest child and I had the privilege of learning how to fly when I was a teenager – his only child to ever solo. His grandson is currently taking lessons and hopes to fly someday.

My father passed on a great respect for Warbirds and the people who flew them, but he always held a special place in his heart for the WASP.

With sincerest regards,

Betty Theodore Walton

Betty Theodore Walton: wontgrowup2fast@aol.com

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