Excerpts from Mary Louise Van Scyoc's letters home   44-w-10
During WASP training, Mary wrote her family faithfully.  These are excerpts, reprinted in the 44-W-10 "The lost Last Class of Avenger Field"

June 12, 1944 - Monday

We have been moving our beds outside and sleeping under the "Texas Stars" only last night the wind blew 90 mph instead of the usual 50. This morning our beds were full of sand and dirt and we all looked like we had been riding a tractor and pulling a plow all day. Think I could plant a Victory Garden in my hair.  It's almost 9:00 so must get on the ball.  Our flight Lt. just came in with our Dog Tags. Gotta buy a chain now and hang it on.

June 14, 1944 - Wednesday

I soloed today and got thrown into the well.  Picked up a nickel for good luck. Have 10 minutes to solo. Made a lousy landing but got it down.  Out of time as had to wash the fish out of my hair. Lights out.

September 15, 1944

We had to get up at 5:45 today. Link at 6:15, physical training at 7;30. Ground school from 9:55 to 12:55. Lunch at 13:00. Flight line 13:45 until 19:45. Dinner at 20:00, and the rest of the day is ours.

reprinted from "The Lost Last Class of Avenger Field"
