Back in the old days, before RADAR...and long before GPS (Global
Positioning Satallite)...back when the WASP were training at Avenger Field...they had to
learn MORSE CODE. Since their airplanes were not equiped with instruments that would tell
them exactly where they were, they listened to RADIO signals...for MORSE CODE being
sent from the different bases and control towers . Different signals were sent out
from the base in different directions. The WASP carried RADIO MAPS in the cockpits with the frequencies and
code for the different signals. They were taught to determine how far on or off course
they were by listening to the strength of the signal. The loudest, clearest signal
meant that you were right on course.
Tapping the 'key' down onto the contact creates an electronic sound...if
you hold it down, it creates a - (dah) or, if you tap quickly, it creates a shorter
. (dit) sound.
Type in a message and listen to the morse
code in the box below. (You must have a java-enabled browser for this to work,